TA Maps 2 hits the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace

TechAutos Maps v2.0, an updated version of one of the first jailbroken apps for Windows Phone 7, has now hit the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.

TA Maps is a mapping solution that uses sources like Google Maps and OpenStreetMap and gives better coverage in many parts of the world than Bing Maps.  It includes:

  • Scrollable/zoomable maps
  • Street/satellite views
  • GPS location tracking
  • Search
  • Favorite locations
  • Driving mode (keeps map centered on GPS location)
  • GPS sensitivity settings
  • Smoothly restores your last map view and pushpins

We will be adding features like driving directions, additional map/search sources, and more point-of-Interest data in upcoming updates.

For screenshots and more details, see: TA Maps for Windows Phone 7
Marketplace link: TA Maps at the WP7 Zune Marketplace

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3 Responses

  1. Enzo says:

    I cannot fnd TA Maps in the marketplace!! Is it still there?

  2. admin says:

    Yep it should be there- search for "TA Maps" or "TechAutos" — or just click the Marketplace link given above.

  1. February 12, 2011

    […] TechAutos Ha tetszett oszd meg másokkal […]

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