Microsoft employees: Windows 8 “mind-blowing,” “completely different”
Over the last two weeks, a couple of Microsoft employees have written quite excitedly about Windows 8. On January 31, a post went up on the MSDN blog, entitled “What’s in store for the next Windows?” The post has since been taken down, but we accessed a Google-cached version and have posted the text below. It doesn’t reveal a whole lot about the OS (which the post refers to as “”) but talks quite excitedly about Windows team head Steve Sinofsky’s ability to bring together all the Windows groups towards a common goal. More info below.
Here’s the post in full:
One of the great (or maybe not so great) things of being at Microsoft is that every other person wants to ask you why Windows works the way it does. Since I’m part of the Windows update team I get asked even more why does my machnie reboot everytime there is an update and why are there so many updates. So naturally once Windows 7 shipped, my friends, neighbours, relatives, and whoever else you can imagine started asking me So whats next?
Folks started asking me whats in Windows 8 – and the first thing I have to say is that I resonate Steven Sinofsky’s interview on who said we’re calling it Windows 8? I agree with Steven that till things are baked there is no point floating ideas since it leaves people frustrated when things don’t turn out the way they expected. The Windows team promised to deliver a smarter, faster and more user friendly OS with Windows 7 and they delivered just that – the latest quaterly results of Microsoft are a clear indication that Windows 7 has been a success and customers got what Microsoft had promised them! The plan is to use a similar approach for the next version of Windows and till things are finalized you’re not going to get a “marketing” name from us:)
So how am I referring to the next version of Windows without saying that many words – well simple – This is definitely not the official version but a version that is becoming common along my circle. So what are our plans for this next version…
The minimum that folks can take for granted is that the next version will be something completly different from what folks usually expect of Windows – I am simply impressed with the process that Steven has setup to listen to our customers needs and wants and get a team together than can make it happen. To actually bring together dozens and dozens of teams across Microsoft to come up with a vision for is a process that is surreal! The themes that have been floated truly reflect what people have been looking for years and it will change the way people think about PCs and the way they use them. It is the future of PCs…
Thats about it for this post for the time being – I know I’m not sharing much at this point but right now I can’t as we work towards finalizing that vision. Feel free to post your comments on what you think should be like!
Separately, John Mangelaars, Microsoft EMEA’s Regional VP of Consumer and Online, was quoted by CIO as saying:
[Apple is] doing well on the PC side but Windows 7 is a blockbuster. We got it really right. For me, Windows 8 will be mind-blowing.
Via: MsftKitchen